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Spider 1-Suit Solitaire

Win Percentage:64%
Win Ratio:1 in 2
Average Win Time:8 min, 11 sec
Highest Score:104 points
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Spider 1-Suit Solitaire Rules


Form eight sets of cards from King to Ace within the Columns.

The Deal

Using two decks (8 sets of King to Ace in Spades,) ten Columns of cards are dealt 5 or 6 cards each. The first four Columns are dealt 6 cards, the next six Columns are dealt 5 cards each. All cards are dealt face down except for the last card in each Column


Every click on the Stock will deal one card to each Column. Click on the Stock after no more moves are possible (or desirable) in the layout. All Columns must contain at least one card before the cards will be dealt. There are no redeals.


Columns are built DOWN. For example, place a 9 on a 10.

he topmost card of each Column is always available for play. Also, cards in sequence may be moved to another Column provided the above build rule applies. For example, an 8, 7, and 6 may move to any 9.

Sequences may be split apart once formed. For example, in a sequence of 8, 7, 6, the 7 and 6 may be split apart from the 8 in order to be played to another 8.

When a sequence of King through Ace is formed within a Column, it is removed from the layout.

Empty Columns may be filled with any card or movable sequence of cards. All Columns must contain a card before more cards can be dealt from the Stock.

One point is scored for each card built within a Column starting with a King. For example, if a Column has a K, Q, and J in sequence then three points are scored for that combination. A full set of King through Ace is 13 points.

Game Notes

Spider 1-Suit Solitaire plays identically to the original game of Spider except that only Spades are used.